Hood: example application for jcouchdb 0.10.0-1

On the occasion of presenting CouchDB and jcouchdb at my place of work, I got around to finally create a small example application that is now downloadable as sneak preview. There need to be bugs fixed, features implemented and lots of documentation to be added, but it kind of works.

It’s called “Hood” for neighbourhood and allows you to mark places or people around a place of activity of yours, called hood. it is meant to foster collaboration / tips on local places etc.

It’s Spring Web Application demonstrating some techniques of working with jcouchdb. It’s an eclipse WTP/Spring IDE project with all dependencies you need besides couchdb and tomcat or another servlet container.

Stay tuned for hood to grow into a fullblown app.



  1. Hello from Russia!
    Can I quote a post in your blog with the link to you?

  2. @Polprav

    Of course.. why not?

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