Tag: politics

The people are just disturbing governance

FDP: Hopeless ideologists?

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The decision of my people in the federal election 2009 deeply disappoints me. How can anyone vote a party whose liberal economic policies drove us into the crisis? Both Guido Westerwelle and Angela Merkel have of course populistically criticized the most grotesque proliferations of this policies (which result from the fact that the believers from the church of the invisible hand across the Atlantic and the channel are even less social and unscrupulous), but have advocated this disastrous economic policies with word and deed and drove us where we still are, even if many want to ignore this. Fuck the poor, the future of our planet — we need MOAR.

Value Conservatism

no english translation

Ignorance does not prevent loss of rights

No english translation yet

Killergames in the Bundeswehr

When a 19 year old likes to play digital cops and robbers (aka Counter-strike)  here in Germany, our goverment is quick to renounce this as “killer game” that is totally not consistent with the human dignity our basic law holds so high. If he goes to Afghanistan with our military (“die Bundeswehr”) to bomb fuel trucks, it’s not only no war, he serves our democracy and an important mission in the war against terror. This hypocrisy totally makes me sick. Somehow no one could yet explain to me what we’re actually doing down there — apart from the obvious motivations to brown-nose the Americans. So we marched in with the UN to beat our democratic values into the taliban, but in the end we did not really want to go through with it. So now we’re defending a government, under which women still are stoned to death for adultery, with the lives of our soldiers — just because the enemy happens to be even more inhumane. I still don’t get it.

Majority of german welfare recipients wouldn’t move for a job

no english translation yet


Wahl-o-mat 2009

Just found out that the new Wahl-o-mat for the upcoming federal elections in Germany. The Wahl-o-mat asks you a couple of questions and tells you how similar your political views are compared to a number of political parties. The result was not really a surprise for me:


Interesting is the even higher match with “the Left” party than with the pirate party. Principially I would not mind a left alternative in the elections, but “THE LEFT” isn’t going to be it. I don’t trust them.

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